Pantws stis 26/7/2007 erxetai o George Michael sthn Athina.Alla den nomizw na ennoeis aytoys mits e?Mhpws ennoeis tis dytikes synoikies mits?Alitheia tha erthoyn?Sto rockwave?
oi phges mou me plhroforhsan oti erxontai tote...mhpws einai iouniou???alla den nomizw...Alla gia na eimaste kai oloswstoi, 8a sou pw oti exw dyo phges...H prwth me plhroforhse gia thn emfanish tou en logo sygkrothmatos to kalokairi sthn a8hna. Gia aythn thn phgh kai plhroforhsh mporoume na eimia 100% bebaioi...H deyterh phgh mou, afou epibebaiwsh thn prwth me plhroforhse kai gia thn hmeromhnia. Na shmeiw8ei oti h deyterh phgh eide thn mpanta ayth sthn glaskwbh!Gia aythn thn phgh den mporoume na eimai8a 100% sigouroi alla ka8oson phge kai sthn synaylia...e...gia na to leei (diathrw mia epifyla3h mhpws eipe iouniou kai oxi iouliou...)
en tayth periptwsi, to sigouro einai pws erxontai...epanasynde8hkan gia aythn thn periodia...tous eyxaristoume kai anamenoume na tous doume!!!
esy pou eisai???giati den apantas sta mhnymata sou?!e?elpizw ola na einai kala...:)
2 σχόλια:
Pantws stis 26/7/2007 erxetai o George Michael sthn Athina.Alla den nomizw na ennoeis aytoys mits e?Mhpws ennoeis tis dytikes synoikies mits?Alitheia tha erthoyn?Sto rockwave?
oi phges mou me plhroforhsan oti erxontai tote...mhpws einai iouniou???alla den nomizw...Alla gia na eimaste kai oloswstoi, 8a sou pw oti exw dyo phges...H prwth me plhroforhse gia thn emfanish tou en logo sygkrothmatos to kalokairi sthn a8hna. Gia aythn thn phgh kai plhroforhsh mporoume na eimia 100% bebaioi...H deyterh phgh mou, afou epibebaiwsh thn prwth me plhroforhse kai gia thn hmeromhnia. Na shmeiw8ei oti h deyterh phgh eide thn mpanta ayth sthn glaskwbh!Gia aythn thn phgh den mporoume na eimai8a 100% sigouroi alla ka8oson phge kai sthn synaylia...e...gia na to leei (diathrw mia epifyla3h mhpws eipe iouniou kai oxi iouliou...)
en tayth periptwsi, to sigouro einai pws erxontai...epanasynde8hkan gia aythn thn periodia...tous eyxaristoume kai anamenoume na tous doume!!!
esy pou eisai???giati den apantas sta mhnymata sou?!e?elpizw ola na einai kala...:)
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