Δευτέρα, Μαρτίου 05, 2007


Ayto to link to afierwnw stous dudes aytou tou blog
Basika ston s@m kai ton ypografonta kai ante ante ston dins kai thn teleia...ka8oti einai oi monoi pou asxolountai...
P.S.wraia h ekleipsh s@m...anamenoume/anamenw fwtografies...

7 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

oxi ante kai sth teleia!! dioti einai etoimh na ksanampei dynamika sto blog afoy eftiaksa kainourio mail kai perimenw apo ton sam na me ksanakalesei...
xoyrmouziadi eisai treeeeela

Heny είπε...

Mporei na eisaste oi monoi pou dimosieuete stous 15, alla apo o,ti blepw polu apo to uliko pou xrisimopoieite sas exei er8ei me mail mou!!!Opote emmesa bebaia alla summetexw kai egw:))

Ανώνυμος είπε...

pesta re heny!! giati oi antres thn exoun dei kapws!!!

Dins είπε...

bravo mits gia mia fora akoma....
bravo heny pou spases ti siopi su...
RE paidia o xristis rouvelloni, rouvelloni xanahtypa poios einai? H eleni mou pe pandos pos ayti den einai dioti tha embene me ton kodiko tis....xexexexe

S@M είπε...

Parakalw poly ton blogger rouvelloni na apodeiksei thn gnhsiothta ths ypografhs tou/ths.H eksairetika sovari kataggelia-mphxth tou blogger dins tha me anagkasei se antitheth periptwsh na diagrapsw ton xrhsth kai na kanw suspend thn xrisi tou blog mexri na ksekatharistei h ypothesi mesw eidikis mhxanhs xronou.

Ek tis dioikhsews

Kokobios είπε...

Katarxhn na sygxarrw kai egw ton xrhsth HENY pou espase thn siwph tou kai na epibebaiwsw pws megalo tmhma tou ylikou proerxetai apo thn aythn phgh!

Se oti afora ton xrhsth rouvelloni ksanaxtypa, kata8etw yper epibebaiwshs ths taytoproswpias aytou me ton xrhsth i_teleia. Sto deipno ergasias pou eixame entos tou perasmenou telous ebdomados, me enhmerwse sxetika. Na tonisw oti egw hmoun anti8etos ka8oti o kwdikos i_teleia einai antiproswpeytikos alla einai toso megalh h dipsa tou xrhsth gia epikoinwnia pou den mporousa na epimeinw. Administrator S@M pisteyw oti 8a labete thn sxetikh mou epistolh entos ths ebdomados kai 8a 3eka8aristei to zhthma.

8a h8ela edw na episymanw thn amesh kai sygkinhtikh antapokrish tou xrhsth i_teleia - rouvelloni 3anaxtypa sthn protash mou gia epikodomitiko spasimo geymatos. Ei8e kai ta ypoloipa melh tou blog na exoun tetoies aristes sxeseis se proswpiko me te epaggelmatiko epipedo oso einai thn parousa xronikh periodo oi sxeseis tou proanafer8entos xrhsth me ton ypografonta!

Ek ths syndie8ynsews


Bulux είπε...

i rouvela einai aparadekti